Detailed Description of Project

Friday 25 January 2013


Today students from Bishop Filevich, St. John, St. Philip, St. Volodymyr and St. Mark as well as some students from  Georges Vanier gathered in our art room to take part in ELO (Extended Learning Opportunities). We will be focusing on calligraphy, using William Morris designs and William Shakespeare quotes. Our pages will then be bound together using traditional techniques. Cathryn Miller will bind them and they will be on display during summer at the Mendel Art Gallery (Basement Gallery) in Saskatoon.

Here are some of the students working on their quote and the decorative letter.

On top are a sampling of the letter that will be used as a guide. Below is a photo of the group in the art room.

Be govern'd by your knowledge, and proceed 
I' th' sway of your own will. Is he array'd?

Cordelia,  King Lear, Act IV, Scene VII
